Saturday, February 12, 2011

22 Weeks

We have had another eventful week! I went to the doctor on Monday and heard the heartbeat again. It's at 145wmp and sounds great! I actually was not supposed to go to the doctor yet, but I had been having some pretty bad pains in my stomach. I was nervous and worried about them, so I went and asked the school nurse about them. She said they were probably  just growing pains but to call my doc just to make sure. The doc said that yes, the pains are just my ligaments growing and are nothing to worry about. I figured that's what was going on but it's good to know for sure.

We had ANOTHER snow day on Wednesday!! I'm not gonna was nice and I really wanted it. Matthew stayed home also and we pretty much did NOTHING all day. Soooo nice.

Here is my 22 week picture. Much better than last week's, I must say!!

Yesterday at school I must have been wearing a shirt that really made me show. One of my sweetest students came in, pointed at my stomach, and said, "Mrs. Irby, I hate to tell you this, but you are looking really fat." Haha I couldn't help but laugh. I did tell her that she should not say fat, but say that the baby is really growing. 

Baby Sam should weigh a little over a pound now and he is about 10 inches long. Our baby bedding came in and I really love it!! Now I'm thinking about making letters for Samuel's room...more on that soon. Have a great week!!

1 comment:

  1. You look so cute! Glad Sam is still healthy and growing. Can't wait to see how his nursery turns out.
