Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Before my pregnancy is over, I thought I would make a list of the good and bad about pregnancy. I'm just mainly writing this so that I will be able to remember it in the future:

The Good:
Feeling Samuel move all the time!
Feeling Samuel get the hiccups all the time!
Having Samuel with me all the time!
People helping me out because they see I'm huge
My kids at school helping me out all the time
Strangers congratulating me on my baby
The excitement of meeting him
All of the ADORABLE clothes we've gotten
No stretch marks (yet)
Seeing Matthew so excited to be a dad
Our friends' and family's excitement over the baby

The Bad:
No diet cokes (I do break this one sometimes...)
The scale...
No lunchmeat
Back pain
Not being able to breathe in the mornings
Not being able to sleep on my back
Being super emotional
The unknown of labor
Not having any clothes that fit
Being worried about him because I can't see him

The Ugly
I have a nasty stomach virus right now...believe me, it's ugly!!

Cute story: Yesterday we had an assembly at school and before it started the lady doing it was doing little sitting-down dances with the kids. Just like the macarana with her arms and other arm movements. I started doing them too and one of my kids was like "Look. Mrs. Irby can do that??" And then another kid said "She can still do SOME stuff." It was really funny.

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. So sorry you've been sick...that's the worst. Cute story from your kids! Can't wait to see you this weekend.
