Thursday, June 9, 2011

No Change

Well I went to the doctor today and nothing's changed. I'm still 75% effaced and 1 cm dilated. This frustrates me because a week ago I was told that I would probably have the baby this week! UGH!! I am trying to be patient though and just take things as they come. I have a sonogram scheduled for Monday just to see how big Samuel is. If he is very large then they will probably induce. If not, then I will wait some more.

Tonight we are going to another Roughriders game. Tomorrow night we have a youth swim party. I actually bought a maternity swimsuit today because Matthew thinks it would be good for me to get into a pool (and it does sound good). There's nothing worse for a person's self esteem than trying on and buying a HUGE swimsuit when you're 9 months pregnant!

I am thankful that Samuel seems healthy, his heartrate is perfect, my blood pressure is great, etc. So I have to focus on the positives!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm proud of you for trying to focus on the positives. I know how hard it is to wait, especially with the doctor's report last week. Once Samuel is born, this extra time won't even be important anymore. Love you!
