Thursday, January 3, 2013

18 Months

Well I have been the worst blogger ever!!! Guess I've been a little busy.:) I wanted to give some highlights of Samuel's 18th month.
- 25 lbs, 12 oz (50th percentile)
- 33 inches long (25th percentile)
- wearing 18 to 24 month clothes
- Samuel is talking so much! He will pretty much try to say anything we ask him to, but some of his favorite words are: mama, dada, Santa, nana, outpa, rob, Hannah, oh no, what's that, truck, please, thank you, bear, and all animal noises.
- Some of Samuel's favorite toys are puzzles, books, cars and trucks, and plastic animals.
- Some things he likes to do: play with toys, go on walks, go to class at church, play hide and seek (really he just runs and hides) and take baths.
- Favorite foods: bananas, raisins, graham crackers, any fruits, potatoes, yogurt, bread.
- takes one 2.5 to 3 hour nap per day.

Samuel has a sweet, loving, and stubborn personality. He loves giving kisses and snuggling (though the snuggles don't last long). When he wants something, it's hard for him to be distracted from it. He is very active but can focus on a book or puzzle for a good amount of time. We love our little man and can't imagine life without him!!

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