Thursday, June 6, 2013

One Month Old

Wow!! Luke is one month old today! He's growing up so fast!

 We are still getting to know him and his routine, but also it feels like he's always been with us. Here are some highlights from Luke's first month:

-He is 11 pounds. Wow, he is gaining weight like a champ!
-He's wearing mostly 3 month clothes, although he can still fit into some 0-3.
-Luke is having some tummy troubles. Dr. S, the boys' pediatrician, said he may be allergic to dairy, so I've tried to cut out all dairy from my diet. I think it may be finally starting to help, but Luke is still pretty fussy at times. We have tried Gripe Water, but I'm not convinced it's helped much.
-Luke has trouble going to sleep at night but once he's asleep, he sleeps through the night pretty well. He wakes up every three hours (or more) to eat, but he usually goes right back to sleep. Sometimes, if I have to change his diaper or he has an upset tummy, he will cry and cry during the night and it's hard to get him back down.
-I've seen a couple of smiles from Luke! They are very fleeting, so I'm excited to see more.

Samuel LOVES his baby brother. He will kiss and hug on him every chance he gets. The other day I was talking to Luke and I said, "Luke, say hi to your brother!" Samuel took Luke's hand and made it wave to him and said, "Hi, Samuel!". It was the CUTEST thing ever. Samuel likes to help pat Luke's back, do tummy time with Luke, touch Luke's body parts and name them, and help put his paci back in his mouth.

The boys took their first bath together on Monday. Luke didn't fuss at all and Samuel didn't seem to mind that Luke's tub took up most of his space!

Luke is not a fan of tummy time yet.

Sweet brothers! 

They love each other!


I just LOVE this video of Samuel "helping" by putting Luke's paci back in his mouth!


 Luke loves being outside. We went to our first Rough Rider's game of the season on Saturday.

Here we are at the Rosemeade swimming pool. 

Backyard time


It has been a transition getting used to have two kids, but it is so much fun. At this point, I think that getting used to having one child is more difficult than two. We'll see if I change my mind about that!

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