Monday, June 13, 2011

Our little one is not so little

Well, we went to the doctor today for a sonogram and I'm so glad we did. This little guy...

...evidently takes after his dad. Sam is already 9 pounds!! I couldn't believe it when the sonogram technician told us this. Yes, I thought he was big. Yes, I feel him all over my belly. Yes, sometimes his kicks and jabs take my breath away. But 9 pounds and we are still five days away from his due date? Crazy! Thankfully the doctor agreed to induce on Friday (the actual due date) so that I will not have to go any longer with this little man weighing me down (or have to fear the delivery any longer!). And is it weird that I'm stressing about him not fitting into his newborn clothes?? We have so many cute ones and I want him to wear them at least once! Of course I took all the tags off and washed them so there will be no returns!! So be ready to see LOTS of pictures of our little one in different outfits. I'm sure I'll be changing him several times a day just to get them all in. Poor Samuel.

**If you can't see him in the picture, his feet are on the top left and he is laying on his side. You can see his nose and mouth in the middle of the picture.

It's hard to believe that he will actually be here by this weekend! It's so nice to actually know that he is coming soon. I can't wait to hold him and see what he looks like! I'm still hoping that he comes before Friday but we'll see about that. I was dilated a little bit more today and I've been having a few contractions, but I don't really feel like he's coming within the next couple of days. Who knows though...

Here is my 39 week picture. Now I know why I feel huge. Also, I can automatically take 9 pounds off how much I weigh these days!:)

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you that you will get to meet that baby boy so soon! Enjoy the last few days!
