Saturday, November 19, 2011

Five Months

Our sweet boy is five months old today (yesterday now)! It's hard to believe that five months have passed. We are having so much fun with our little man. He is growing like crazy and is always learning new things. Here are some highlights from month 5:

*Samuel is wearing 6 month clothes.
*He weighs about 15 1/2 to 16 pounds.
*He rolls over both ways now and does it constantly.
*Matthew got rid of his truck this month to trade it in for a more family friendly car. Here are my two boys in the truck for the last time (and first for Samuel!)

*Sammy talks all the time. He loves to hear himself make noises and loves to be tickled. We love his little giggle!
*We have been filling up his little bathtub for bath time and he loves it! He will just kick and kick at the water.
*Samuel sits up with help.
*Samuel was a frog for Halloween and was so cute! We got lots of good pictures at the Arboretum.
*He still sleeps through the night! I do still wake him up at 2:00 for a feeding (for my sake mainly) but he goes right back to sleep. On Saturdays he will usually let us sleep until 7:30 or 8:00.
*Samuel enjoyed meeting his Great-Uncle Phil for the first time this month.

*We think he is teething but can't be sure yet. He's been a little fussier lately especially when he is chewing on a hard toy. We've given him baby orajel once and let him chew on plenty of soft teethers.
*Samuel is such a good baby. He really only cries when he is hungry, sleepy, or dirty/really wet. He is so much fun and we love seeing his little personality come out.

1 comment:

  1. Cute, cute post! I've been waiting for a new one. He is so precious and I can't wait until the next time I get to see him!
