Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Luke at Two Months

Luke turned two months old on Saturday. He is becoming more interactive (and less fussy!) every day! Here are some things Luke has been up to during his second month:

-He weighs 13 pounds, 5 ounces (90th percentile)
-He is 22 3/4 inches long (50th percentile)
-Luke still despises tummy time. He fusses and gets very worked up. BUT he is doing a great job at bringing his head up. AND he "shimmies" off the blanket or over the boppy. His legs and arms are very strong.
-The boys went to their first VBS in June. Luke stayed with us and Samuel went to class. We all had a great time.

-Luke has been smiling A LOT. When he is in a good mood (which is happening more and more) it's pretty easy to get a cute smile out of him.

Man I love this grin!!

In this picture, the top one is Samuel and the bottom is Luke. Don't they look alike??

-The boys went to their first wedding on July 5th. Matthew's Aunt Ronnie got married and we had so much fun! On the fourth we went out to their house for a 4th of July party.

Here's our cute baby on his first holiday


And here we are at the wedding. The boys did great!!

-Luke is sleeping really well at night. He has trouble falling asleep in his own bed but we are working on that now. Right now his last feeding is usually around 10:00 and then he will sleep until around 5! I am loving the 6 or 7 hour stretch of sleep! He usually gets fussy after his 5:00 a.m. feeding but will eventually go back to sleep in his crib or the swing.
-He is still napping in his swing during the day. I'm working on this as well.

Here are Samuel and Luke, both at two months old.


 And here's our big boy!

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