Thursday, August 8, 2013

Three Months

Luke turned three months old on Tuesday!! I feel like time is just flying by! Luke is growing so fast and doing new things all the time. Here are some highlights from Luke's third month:

-Luke weighs about 15 pounds.
-Luke rolled over from his tummy to his back this month!
-He eats about every three hours during the day. Sometimes he will stretch to four if he's asleep.
-Luke is finally falling asleep in his bassinet at night. I will rock him a little bit, turn on music, and he will usually fall asleep pretty quickly.
-Napping during the day is a different story. I don't know why, but he usually fights his naps like crazy. Right now he naps in his swing most of the time.A lot of the time (like right now) I know he needs to sleep but he is crying in his swing. He definitely LOVES being held!!
-Luke is on medicine for reflux. It seems to be helping his fussiness quite a bit. I have to be SO careful about what I eat, though. I've been off dairy since he was about three weeks old, and I also can't eat anything that's the least bit spicy. I also have to limit my caffeine intake. If I eat/drink any of those things, the next couple of days is ROUGH on Luke. It's been tough finding out what upsets him, but the good thing is that it's helping me to lose weight!:)

Luke went on his first road trip this month to Abilene!

 He met his Great-Granny for the first time

 Sitting in Nana and Granddaddy's backyard

Luke is doing great on his tummy! 

Look at him holding that head up!

 Rolling over

Samuel and Luke are soooo sweet together. Luke is really watching his big brother these days and Samuel is quick to give him a hug and kiss.

We went to Matthew's aunt and uncle's lakehouse this month. Luke had a great time and did a great job sticking to his little schedule.

 Sweet boy!! I just can't get enough of him!!

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