Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Four Months

I feel like this past month just absolutely flew by! Is it really September 10th already?? Wow!!

So Luke is four months old now. Here are some stats about his fourth month:

-He is 16 lbs, 14 oz which is the 85th percentile.
-He is 25 inches long which is the 60th percentile.
-His head is in the 70th percentile.
Translation: Luke is a big boy!

I just love all the rolls!!

-Luke is napping MUCH better than this time last month. He still does not have consistent naps (same time every day) but when I know he's getting tired I will lay him down in his bed, put his paci in, turn on white noise and he will eventually fall asleep. I have to go in several times to put his paci back in, but this is a huge improvement!!
-Luke STILL wakes up to eat several times a night. I told myself I would work on this starting this week and I kinda started last night. He should be able to go about seven hours at night without eating (and I don't think he'll waste away).
-Luke still eats about every three hours during the day. He watches us eat like crazy so we may start cereal at five months...we'll see.
-Luke is SO ticklish!! He will squirm and laugh when we tickle him under his neck, on his ribs, and his thighs. It's just so cute!!
-Luke can roll over both ways now and would prefer to lay on his tummy. Any time I lay him on his back he immediately rolls over. He also likes to sleep on his tummy, although I try to get him to sleep on his back.

Mom, who's that adorable baby in the mirror???

-Luke went to the nursery at church for the first time. Well, I was the nursery teacher so I guess it doesn't really count. I'm not ready to be apart from him just yet! But he did enjoy playing in the exersaucer and watching Isaiah!

In the nursery at church

Luke also loves our exersaucer at home.

-Luke and Samuel are still getting along great. As Luke becomes more and more interactive, Samuel enjoys playing with him more. They are so cute together.

We just love our Lukie!!

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