Monday, March 7, 2011

Fun Weekend

Mom came into town this weekend and we had so much fun together!! Friday after school we went to get much-needed pedicures. That is always SUCH a treat. We went out to eat that night and we also bought our crib!! It was on sale at Target so we decided to just go ahead and do it. This is basically it, except that the color is black cherry.

On Saturday morning I woke up to find this:

Haha if she spoils our dog this much, how much more will she spoil our baby boy?????

On Saturday we all went house-hunting. This was our first time to go with a realtor and look at houses. We didn't really find anything, but we got a better idea of what we want. Saturday evening mom and I went to a consignment sale event for Divine Consign. We found a BEAUTIFUL dresser that matches the crib!! I was so excited. Mom and I each got a high chair also. It was lots of fun. Sunday we went to church and lunch, and then mom headed home. We had such a great weekend and I can't wait for her to be back next weekend!!

Here are my 25 week pictures:

Baby Sam is growing by leaps and bounds and so am I. I went to the doctor last week and I'm still measuring perfectly. The doc says my weight is fine but I just can't believe how much I'm gaining. Seriously, I kinda have a panic attack every time I step on the scale. I just pray that I'll lose most of it quickly after he is born! I also took my glucose test and haven't heard anything back, which is good. I've been feeling a little weak lately and I'm having some growing pains in my belly. Other than that I feel well and Matthew and I are having a blast feeling and watching Sam move. He is an active little guy, that's for sure! I think we will have our hands full in a few months!!

That's all for now! 4 days til Spring Break!!

1 comment:

  1. You look so beautiful, Spamy! Glad you had fun with your mom. She's going to be such a good grandma.
