Friday, January 21, 2011

It's a Boy!!!!!!

We went to the doctor today and found out the good news!!! We are having a boy!!

Here is our precious boy, Samuel Watkins Irby. Isn't he cute??

Matthew and I have had this name picked out since we were dating, and I have had it in my mind since high school. We named him this "because [we] asked the Lord for him" (1 Samuel 1:20).

Today was an exciting day, to say the least. Our appointment was set up for 2:00. I think I have a touch of ESP or something because last night I told Matthew that I was worried that our sonographer would be sick today. Sure enough, at 10:00 the Dr.'s office called and said they needed to reschedule because the sonographer was sick!!!!!!!! I was seriously freaking out. Of course we could have just waited until Monday, but that's 3 more days away!! I guess the receptionist could sense my disappointment so she said that we could see this other doctor, but that we had to be there before 11:00. I immediately called Matthew, who left to pick me up (he had brought me to school this morning) and we stressfully headed up there. Thankfully I have an amazing team at school and they got together and took over my class. We got to the doctor's office a little after 11 and thankfully they could still see us. The doctor showed us everything from the brain to the cute little feet, and he said that everything looked perfectly healthy. Praise God! Then he told us it was a boy! We were soooo excited. I am so relieved just to know that everything looks great and that he is healthy. Here are a couple of videos that Matthew took while we were there.

This was such a great experience and we are so thankful that everything is ok. Thank you for the thoughts and prayers!!

Here is a pic of me at 19 weeks. The doctor said I was measuring exactly what I should be at this point.

Oh, and there's Max. He is really excited to be a big brother.:)

Have a great weekend!!

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