Sunday, January 9, 2011

A New Year, Lots of Changes

Matthew and I have been thinking a lot about how different 2011 will be than 2010. We are about to start house-hunting so that we can move in May. I am soooo excited about this. I really do love our apartment and it has been PERFECT for us...enough room, very reasonable rent, good neighbors...but it will be SO nice to have a house. I can't wait to paint, decorate, get a grill, have a garage, and have room for all of our stuff. I am such a planner and I already have a list of things that need to be done before we move...I'm hoping to do something every weekend so that it's not too overwhelming. We are also hoping to buy a car within the next year. Matthew cannot drive with a baby in his truck, so it will be much easier for us to both have cars. We've been looking into what we want. My car will be paid off in about a year and half so we won't have to pay two payments for very long.

Of course the baby thing is the biggest change coming our way. After we find out what we're having ( in 12 days!!!) I'm going to make a list of everything we need to register for. Then we'll register, have showers...yikes it's all coming so soon!! We are so excited though and can't wait to see the baby and make sure that everything is ok.

Speaking of the baby, I think I've been feeling it move lately. I felt a flutter on Thursday night while laying in bed, felt it move continually on Friday, and just felt it again while laying on my stomach. I can't wait to feel it more consistently.

This was kind of a boring post but I'll leave you, like always, with a picture. Here I am at 17 weeks. Have a great week!

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